Si solo estas buscando tabletas, este es tu lugar,  de todos los tamaños y sabores! En esta sección están recogidas todos los productos en formato de tableta.

Black chocolate without sugar

Chocolate negro 100%

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

2,004,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs ó TABLETA 110grs

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

Dark chocolate

Chocolate negro con sal

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

2,004,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs. o 110grs.

Dark chocolate

Chocolate negro con mora

2,004,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs ó TABLETA 110grs

2,004,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs ó TABLETA 110grs.

4,00 With tax

TABLETA 110grs.

2,00 With tax

Chocolate con leche y dulce de leche. TABLETA 50grs.

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

Dark chocolate

Chocolate negro 90%

2,004,00 With tax

Tableta de 50grs. y 110grs.

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

Milk chocolate

Milk chocolate

2,004,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs. o 110grs.

2,004,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs. o 110grs.

Dark chocolate

Chocolate negro 70%

2,0020,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs., 110grs. o 500grs.

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

White chocolate

Chocolate blanco y mango

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

Dark chocolate

Chocolate negro 80%

2,004,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs. y 110grs.

2,00 With tax

Chocolate con leche y coco rallado. TABLETA 50grs.

2,00 With tax

Chocolate con leche caramelo y sal. TABLETA 50grs.

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

2,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs.

White chocolate

White chocolate

2,004,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs. o 110grs.

Black chocolate without sugar

Chocolate negro 70% sin azúcar (edulcorado)

2,004,00 With tax

TABLETA DE 50grs y 110grs.

2,004,00 With tax

TABLETA 50grs. o 110grs.